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[软件]PL/SQL Developer完整版下载(附序列号)V16.0.0.2142免费下载

游戏推荐 aiwanyule 4个月前 (11-29) 已收录

PL/SQL Developer 是一款集成数据库开发环境,用于开发、测试、调试和优化 Oracle PL/SQL 存储的程序单元,如包、触发器等。 PL/SQL Developer 的功能包括上下文相关帮助和数据库对象描述、语法加亮、数据查询和编辑、图形浏览器等,这些功能使开发人员的工作更为轻松。

PL/SQL Developer is an Integrated Development Environment that is specifically targeted at the development of stored program units for Oracle Databases. Over time we have seen more and more business logic and application logic move into the Oracle Server, so that PL/SQL programming has become a significant part of the total development process. PL/SQL Developer focuses on ease of use, code quality and productivity, key advantages during Oracle application development…….






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