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[游戏]《经典回归 魔界村(Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection)》Chronos硬盘版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 爱玩吧 www.aiwanab.net

游戏推荐 aiwanyule 4个月前 (12-06) 已收录

游戏名称:经典回归 魔界村
英文名称:Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection
游戏制作:CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
游戏发行:CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
发售时间:June 1, 2021


     展现在眼前的,是既让人怀念 又焕然一新的“移动幻想绘卷”世界 本作以《魔界村》《大魔界村》为原型打造而成,焕然一新。 不但拥有不负所望、极具挑战性的的游戏体验, 还有犹如移动绘卷般的独创画面效果, 以及只此一家、独一无二的体验都在等着你的挑战!



操作系统: WINDOWS® 10 (64-BIT Required)
处理器: Intel® Core™ i5-4460 or AMD FX™-6300 equivalent or better
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760 or AMD Radeon™ R7 260x with 2GB Video RAM
DirectX 版本: 12
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Anticipated performance at these specifications is 720p/60FPS. If you don’t have enough graphics memory to run the game at your selected texture quality, you must go to Options > Graphics and lower the texture quality or decrease the resolution. An internet connection is required for product activation. You need a keyboard with N-key rollover for co-op play using keyboards. Monitor refresh rate needs to be set at 50Hz or higher.推荐配置:

操作系统: WINDOWS® 10 (64-BIT Required)
处理器: Intel® Core™ i7-3770 or AMD FX™-9590 equivalent or better
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480 with 8GB VRAM
DirectX 版本: 12
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Anticipated performance at these specifications is 1080p/60FPS.  An internet connection is required for product activation. You need a keyboard with N-key rollover for co-op play using keyboards. Monitor refresh rate needs to be set at 50Hz or higher. *Xbox 360 Controller for Windows / Xbox One Wireless Controller recommended.安装信息
1. 解压缩
2. (如果有setup.exe文件的话)安装游戏
3. (如果存在crack文件夹的话)复制crack文件夹下的未加密补丁到游戏目录覆盖
4. 运行游戏游戏截图

[游戏]《经典回归 魔界村(Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection)》Chronos硬盘版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 爱玩吧 www.aiwanab.net

[游戏]《经典回归 魔界村(Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection)》Chronos硬盘版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 爱玩吧 www.aiwanab.net

[游戏]《经典回归 魔界村(Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection)》Chronos硬盘版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 爱玩吧 www.aiwanab.net

[游戏]《经典回归 魔界村(Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection)》Chronos硬盘版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 爱玩吧 www.aiwanab.net

[游戏]《经典回归 魔界村(Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection)》Chronos硬盘版[CN/TW/EN/JP] 爱玩吧 www.aiwanab.net




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